Sunday, November 2, 2008

MM Scolarship from Prasetiya Mulya Business School

Prasetiya Mulya Business School was established in September 1982 with the aim to serve as an excellent center of learning for its partners:
business entrepreneurs, professionals, and researchers. In its mission to contribute to the development of business communities in Indonesia, Prasetiya Mulya offers scholarship to outstanding Indonesian future leaders to continue their education in business through its Magister Manajemen full time degree program. The scholarship awards are open to highly talented and potential leaders with excellent academic qualities but financially disadvantaged. Preference is given to candidates who possess the necessary aptitude, personal qualities and interest in management. A maximum of two scholarships are available each year. The scholarship covers tuition fees, books and a living allowance for the maximum tenure of 20 months.

* Indonesian citizen who are able to demonstrate leadership potential and interest in, and commitment to, community and national development.
* Hold a Bachelor's degree in any discipline from o­nly legally accredited Indonesian or overseas higher education institutions. A minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.25 (on a 4.00 scale) is required.

* Applicants must be under 30 years of age when lodging the application.

* Preferably having a minimum of two years full time professional work experience after completion of the undergraduate degree when lodging the application.

* Pass Prasetiya Mulya admission test and scholarship screening process.

* Preferably having International or Institutional TOEFL minimum score of 550 (paper based) or 213 (computer based)

* Not currently enrolled in a graduate or post-graduate program or school, nor already earned a Master's degree or equivalent.

* Not in receipt of other equivalent award or scholarship offering similar or other benefits at the time of the award.

* Applicant must prove that they are financially disadvantaged and that without the scholarship he/she will not be able to study for our graduate (MM) program.

* Other terms and conditions apply. Please visit for further information.

* Candidates should complete the application form and return them along with copies of required documents to Prasetiya Mulya before the deadline: Friday, 9 January 2009, 04.00 pm.
* Information o­n requirements, terms, and conditions, forms and instructions can be read and downloaded from Prasetiya Mulya website at Applicants are suggested to read the General Information o­n the website thoroughly prior to applying.

Beasiswa MM Wijayawiyata Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM

Sekolah Tinggi manajemen PPM dan Pancawati Outdoor Training (POT)
menyelenggarakan "The Future Leader".Sebuah program pencarian
talent untuk menjadi pemimpin masa depan dibidang manajemen & bisnis di
Indonesia. Selama tujuh hari, 40peserta terpilih dari universitas
seluruh Indonesia akan ditantanguntuk menjadi "THE FUTURE
LEADERS". Sepuluh peserta terbaik akanmendapatkan beasiswa penuh
program MM Wijayawiyata Manajemen Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
(angkatan 61 tgl 12 Februari 2009 atauangkatan 62 tgl 15 Agustus 2009)
dan biaya hidup selama programberlangsung (15 bulan) @ 70 juta rupiah.
Seleksi (40 peserta terpilih)akan diselenggarakan selama tujuh hari (4 -
11 Desember 2008) denganpembiayaan seluruhnya ditanggung panitia.

1. THE ADVENTURE LIFE JOURNEY (4 - 7 Desember 2008)

* Selama empat hari, 40 peserta terpilih akan berpetualang di alam
bersama Pancawati Outdoor Training.
* Selamaprogram ini, peserta akan ditantang untuk mengembangkan
kepribadianagar menjadi lebih percaya diri, efektif dalam membangun
hubungan,pengembangan kelompok kerja dan semakin berani mengambil risiko
dalammembuat keputusan.

* Selama setengah hari , peserta akan belajar mengenai manajemen dan
bisnis di Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM.
* Peserta akan mempelajari:

* "How to start business and to develop business plan".
* Project management
* Team dynamics
* THE FINAL ASSIGNMENT (9 Desember 2008)

* 40 peserta dibagi dalam 8 tim, yang akan diberikan tugas akhir
melalui CITYBOUND.
* Setiap tim harus membuat perencanaan bisnis untuk dipresentasikan
di depan para juri pada keesokan harinya.
* THE INVESTOR MEETING (10 Desember 2008)

* Presentasi rencana bisnis di depan para juri.
* Menikmati suasana kota Jakarta sambil menunggu penilaian dari para
* THE GRADUATION (11 Desember 2008)

* 10 peserta terbaik akan diumumkan pada Graduation Event.
* Penyerahan penghargaan.
* Talk show dengan para peserta dan juri.


1. Mahasiswa S1 atau D4 tingkat akhir yang sedang dalam
masapenyelesaian skripsi atau lulusan baru dari perguruan tinggi di
seluruhIndonesia (diutamakan dari luar P. Jawa).
2. IPK minimal 2,75 dari skala 4,00.
3. Usia maksimal 26 tahun per tanggal 19 November 2008.
4. Memenuhi persyaratan administrasi:

* Melengkapi formulir data calon peserta

* Menyertakan dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan sebagai data pendukung
* Fresh graduate: copy ijasah dan transkrip yang telah dilegalisir,
Mahasiswa tingkat akhir: transkrip terakhir dan surat keterangan
mahasiswa dari universitas.
* copy dokumen-dokumen penunjukkan sebagai pengurus atau anggota dari
suatu organisasi atau kepanitiaan,
* copy dokumen-dokumen penghargaan atas prestasi tertentu,
* dokumen hasil test bahasa Inggris setara TOEFL 450
* foto seluruh badan ukuran postcard

* Menyertakansurat rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi atau
Dosen Pembimbingdengan menggunakan format yang sudah ditentukan

* Menyerahkan karangan ringkas, ketik 1 ½ spasi, dua halaman A4,
dengan mengacu pada pertanyaan berikut.
* Pilihsatu situasi yang baru terjadi dimana Anda berperan sebagai
pemimpin.Gambarkan situasi tersebut secara ringkas dan jelas, gambarkan
perankepemimpinan Anda pada situasi tersebut, dan jelaskan
bagaimanaefektivitas kepemimpinan Anda serta perubahan apa yang terjadi
padamasa itu atau setelahnya.
* Gambarkan tiga prestasisangat penting yang telah Anda capai dalam
hidup dan jelaskan mengapaAnda melihat prestasi tersebut sebagai sesuatu
yang sangat penting.
* Gambarkansatu kekecewaan atau kegagalan yang pernah Anda alami.
Bagaimana Andamenangani situasi tersebut dan apa yang dapat Anda
pelajari darinya?
* Apa yang menjadi rencana karir Anda di masa depan dan mengapa
* Apakahada informasi lainnya yang menurut Anda akan bermanfaat bagi
PanitiaPPM-POT "The Future Leaders" dalam mengenal dan
mempertimbangkan Andauntuk menjadi salah satu peserta PPM-POT "The
Future Leaders" Mohonagar mengemukakan hal ini secara ringkas dan jelas.


Panitia "The Future Leader"
Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen PPM
Jl. Menteng Raya No. 9
Jakarta 10340

Pendaftaran ditutup tanggal 19 November 2008

40 peserta terpilih akan diumumkan tanggal 24 November 2008, melalui
iklan di media, website, pos, atau email.

DAAD-Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG)

Call for proposals: Master’s Scholarships for Public Policy and Good Governance (PPGG)
The programme is designed to academically qualify future leaders in politics, law, economics and administration according to the principles of Good Governance and to prepare them in a praxis-oriented course for their professional life. The programme offers very good graduates with a first university degree (Bachelor or equivalent) the chance to obtain a Master’s degree in disciplines that are of special relevance for the social, political and economic development of their home country. With the knowledge and experience acquired in Germany the scholarship holders should later contribute to the establishment of democratically devised economic and social systems aimed at overcoming social tensions.

The deadline for this scholarship is 31st October 2008 at the latest.

see furthermore at:

Beasiswa Chevening 2009/2010


Bagi Rakans yang ingin melanjutkan pendidikan Master di Inggris, telah dibuka pendaftaran untuk Beasiswa Chevening 2009/2010 dari pemerintah Inggris.
Jika ada di antara Rekan berminat mendapatkan beasiswa ini, silahkan mengunjungi situs untuk mendapatkan keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai syarat dan formulir aplikasi. Batas penyerahan aplikasi tanggal 30 November 2008.

Jika ada yang ingin ditanyakan, silahkan mengirimkan email ke

Mohon diinfokan ke teman2, tetangga, sanak saudara dll. Sekalian diajak bergabung ke milis Beasiswa Aceh

Salam hangat penuh semangat

NUS - Asian Graduate Students Fellowship Programme 2009

The Asia Research Institute of NUS invites applications from citizens of Asian countries enrolled for a fulltime advanced degree at a university in an Asian country (except Singapore) for consideration for the award of Asian Graduate Student Fellowships. These fellowships are offered to current graduate students doing their Master's or PhD degrees and working in the Humanities and Social Sciences on Southeast Asian topics, and will allow the recipients to be based at NUS for an `in residence fellowship' for a period of three months. The aim of the fellowship is to enable scholars to make full use of the wide range of resources held in the libraries of NUS and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. Scholars will be expected to commence on 4 May 2009, and to make a presentation on their work at the Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies at the end of July 2009.

Successful candidates can expect the following benefits:

1) A monthly allowance of SGD$1,750 (inclusive of housing allowance).
2) A one time round trip travel subsidy by the most economical and direct route on a reimbursement basis upon being accepted for the fellowship.
3) Access to library and computer resources on campus.

Applicants are invited to e-mail/facsimile/mail their curriculum vitae, a 2-page outline of their research proposal in English (this may be accompanied by a longer statement in a Southeast Asian language) to the address below by 15 November 2008. Arrangements should also be made by which at least two letters of reference, one of which is from your principal supervisor, are sent confidentially to the same address by the same deadline.

The 2-page research proposal must include the following details:

1) Whether the data collection or fieldwork stage of the research has already been completed;
2) how the fellowship will contribute to the research;
3) the types of sources to be consulted in Singapore;
4) proposed work plan during the fellowship.

You can look forward to excellent library and internet computer facilities at NUS' main library (, the library at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) ( and the Lee Kong Chian Reference Library at the National Library ( to facilitate your research for the dissertation. NUS' main library has 2 million volumes covering all topics while ISEAS' library has 200,000 on Southeast Asian topics, half of which are in Southeast Asian languages.

International scholarship for undergraduate in Aston University, school of life and health science

International Scholarships

School of Life and Health Sciences is pleased to announce Scholarship Scheme for international students who apply for 2009/10 academic year. Scholarships are of £1,250 in value to help with the cost of tuition fees and are available for any of the following undergraduate programmes:

* BSc Biomedical Sciences
* BSc Biology
* MPharm Pharmacy
* BSc Optometry
* BSc Psychology

These are regional-based scholarships available to students from the following areas:

* East Asia
* South Asia
* South East Asia
* Russia and Central Asia
* Middle East and Gulf States
* Africa
* South America and Mexico

Application process

There is no special application process for the award. All eligible applicants will be considered for the scholarship and they will be informed about it in their offer letter.


1. Scholarships are only available for international students who are self-funded and classed as “overseas” for tuition purposes.

2. Eligible candidates must hold either a conditional or unconditional offer for one of the listed programmes.

3. Scholarships will be allocated to applicants with outstanding academic results.

4. Scholarships are for each year of undergraduate study for a maximum of four years. In order to retain the scholarship for next academic year, students have to pass all modules. Scholarships are not available for foundation or placement years.

5. The decision of the School of Life and Health Sciences Scholarship Panel is final.

For more information, please email:

Master’s Scholarships, Software Engineering, Estonia

Silahkan dimanfaatkan.
Please contact directly to email below



Master’s Scholarships, Software Engineering, Estonia

Description : At least six scholarships are available for foreign students to enroll in the newly created Master’s of Software Engineering at University of Tartu, Estonia, This program will be jointly offered by Estonia’s two major universities: University of Tartu and Tallinn University of Technology. In addition to a strong foundation in software engineering methods, this 2-years program will offer two specialisations: Enterprise Software and Embedded Real-Time Software. The program also includes professional internship opportunities. The language of instruction is English and the program is taught primarily by professors with international experience. In addition to tuition-free admission, the scholarships will offer a stipend for living expenses of EEK 48000 (approximately EUR 3200) per year. Applications are now welcome and will continue to be welcome until May 2009 for the academic year starting in September 2009. Please consult the program’s
web site for details on eligibility, deadlines and application process.

Homepage : International Master’s of Software Engineering

Category : Computer Science

Contact address : University of Tartu Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia E-mail:

Keywords : Masters scholarship, software engineering, computer science, information technology

Name : Marlon Dumas
Email :

Asia Pacific Leadership Program - Fellowships for 2009-2010

Fellowships for 2009-2010
Asia Pacific Leadership Program

New Fellowships Available

The East-West
Center is pleased to
announce new fellowships for the Asia Pacific Leadership Program for
2009-10. Entering its eight year, the Asia Paci?c Leadership Program (APLP)
is the center of excellence for leadership education in the Asia Paci?c
region. The APLP is a graduate certi?cate program combining the development
of regional expertise with the enhancement of individual leadership
capacity. Based at the East-West Center in Honolulu,
Hawaii, the program has
created a network of dynamic leaders in 48 countries who are helping to
build a peaceful, prosperous and just Asia Paci?c community. All
participants receive an APLP Entrance Fellowship valued at approximately


The Asia Pacific Leadership Program seeks outstanding individuals with proven
leadership experience or high leadership potential from across the Asia
Pacific region, North America and beyond.
All participants have at least a Bachelors degree with the majority having
graduate degrees as well. At least 20 countries are represented in each
cohort. APLP Fellows come together from all walks of life, including
areas as diverse as government, business, NGOs, health sciences, media,
monastic orders, and education.

APLP participants will gain broad regional perspectives, become knowledgeable
about the critical challenges facing the Asia Pacific region, and be
trained to exercise leadership and promote cooperation. The APLP
empowers leaders with the knowledge, skills, experiences, and supportive
community needed to successfully navigate personal and regional change in
the 21st century.

Recruitment for 2009-10 is open. Places are limited.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.


December 1, 2008


Honolulu, Hawaii

Application Forms and Fellowships

For more
information about the Asia Paci?c Leadership Program, as well as
application forms and fellowship opportunities, please visit our website
at: or email:

The application deadline is December 1, 2008. Fellowships begin in August 2009.

you for sharing this announcement
2009-2010 Announcement [pdf].

East-West Center
is an education and research organization established by the U.S. Congress
in 1960 to promote better relations and understanding among the peoples and
nations of Asia, the Pacific and the United States through
cooperative research, education, and dialogue on critical issues of common
concern. Funding for the Center comes from the U.S. government, with
additional support provided by private agencies, individuals, foundations,
corporations, and the governments of the region

Beasiswa VLIR Belgia untuk training, S-2 maupun S-3

Telah dibuka beasiswa VLIR Belgia baik
untuk training, S-2 maupun S-3.

Silahkan dimanfaatkan peluang baik ini.



VLIR-UOS provides funds to the organising Flemish universities for these ITPs and ICPs, with the support of the Belgian Directorate-General for Development Cooperation (DGDC). Through the support of individuals and institutions in the South, the Flemish universities aspire to contribute to the availability and quality of education and research in the South. VLIR-UOS and the Flemish universities wish to help change lives by sharing knowledge and minds.

Every year VLIR-UOS offers a number of scholarships, as to enable students from developing countries with a minimum of professional experience who occupy key or strategic positions at an institution or organisation in their native country, to access these programmes. The opportunity for knowledge application and transfer after the scholar returns home is an important scholarship selection criterion.

Although these programmes are primarily oriented towards students and professionals from developing countries, they are also open to other people. This website includes all the information you need to apply for a place on a given programme as a self-supporting student or a scholar. It also includes information on course content and application requirements for ITPs (as they will be organised in 2009) and ICPs (as they will be organised in the academic year 2009-2010 and 2009-2011).

VLIR-UOS sincerely hopes that the exchange during your study in Flanders results in partnerships and improved understanding across frontiers, and that the knowledge you acquire will be invested and disseminated in the framework of long-term initiatives in your country of origin.

We look forward to welcoming you to Flanders, Belgium!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beasiswa VLIR Belgia

Telah dibuka beasiswa VLIR Belgia baik untuk training, S-2 maupun S-3.

Silahkan dimanfaatkan peluang baik ini.


Monday, September 1, 2008

Study and Research in Germany

Ayo belajar ke Jerman

Study and Research in Germany
Get a scholarship!

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships funded by the German Government to university lecturers, researchers, and professionals with two years of working experience.

… for Postgraduate Courses for Professionals with Relevance to Developing Countries: selected study courses (deadline September 11)
… for Doctoral Programs and Short-term Research for PostDocs in Germany: open for any kinds of study programs (deadline October 15)

DAAD Jakarta Office
Tel. 021-5252807 or 5200870

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beasiswa kuliah 1 semester di Australia untuk anak S-1 (Peace Scholarships )


Ini ada info beasiswa bagi anak S-1 untuk kuliah selama 6 bulan di Universitas Austalia.
Silahkan diinfokan ke teman2 kita yg lg S-1. Deadline 30 sept 2008

Selamat mencoba dan all the best


Here is your opportunity to experience the Australian education system and culture for one semester as part of your undergraduate degree.

AusAID Indonesia, IDP Education Australia, Edith Cowan University, Macquarie University and the University of Notre Dame, in association with the Peace Scholarship Program are offering the opportunity for up to four students from Indonesia to study abroad in Australia for one semester commencing February 2009.

What do I get?

There are up to four Peace Scholarships available for eligible students in Indonesia worth up to AU$15,000 and covering:
§ Tuition fees for study abroad at an Australian university for 1 semester
§ Funds to cover travel costs, living costs, accommodation and other costs
§ Two day orientation welcome program
§ Other services and products offered by supporters of the Peace Scholarship Program
§ Lifetime networking opportunities with Peace Scholarship recipients worldwide
Students who meet the eligibility criteria as provided below are invited to apply for the Peace Scholarship.

How do I apply?


Ensure you fulfil each of the selection criteria as detailed below:
§ At the time of application you have completed at least three semesters and no more than six semesters of your first full-time undergraduate degree of an accredited course at any university in Indonesia
§ You have achieved at least a 65-70% average mark in your degree to date
§ You can preferably gain credit transfer for your study abroad program at the host university in Australia for your degree at your home institution
§ You have a level of English language proficiency that satisfies both Student Visa requirements for entry to Australia as well as host institution requirements
§ You do not hold citizenship or permanent residency in Australia and have not previously studied overseas, either in Australia or elsewhere (unless on a scholarship or to study English)
§ You are able to demonstrate a commitment to ‘global peace and understanding’ through community, academic or professional achievements
§ You are able to indicate how the Peace Scholarship experience will enhance your professional development and help contribute to global peace and understanding
§ You are able to demonstrate a financial need and that without this scholarship you would not have the chance to study overseas

The following materials must be received by IDP in Indonesia (details below) by 30th September, 2008.

1. Completed, printed and signed application form
2. Completed, printed and signed Agreement of Award Terms and Conditions
3. Certified true copy of English translated official academic transcript, including current year grades - certified by IDP
4. Proof of English language ability including IELTS or TOEFL (paper-based, computer-based or internet based)
5. Two References/Testimonials in English
§ One reference/testimonial from home institution (Dean or higher). This reference/testimonial must follow the format outlined on the Home Institution Reference Form and address the criteria requested
§ One reference/testimonial from someone you have worked with on a particular community service project that you talk about in your application (preferably your supervisor), or from someone who can honestly discuss your involvement in community based activities and projects and who has known you for more than 2 years. This reference/testimonial must follow the format outlined on the Community Leader Reference Form and address the criteria requested.

Note: References cannot be submitted from a person to whom you are related.

All applications must be received by IDP Indonesia (details below) by 30th September 2008.

Who can I contact for more information?

For more information regarding the 2008 Peace Scholarship Program please contact or the contacts below. Please send your applications to the IDP office listed below by the 30th September.
Rachmi Sjafei (Ms.)Senior Project Officer/IELTS Administrator ID017IDP Education Pty.Ltd. - South Jakarta Office Jl.Terusan Gedung Hijau I Kav.9 no.01 E Komp.RUKO Fitria Pondok Indah Jakarta Selatan - 12310 INDONESIA Phone: +62 21 750 3552/2660Fax: +62 21 769 4846Email:

Monday, August 11, 2008

Beasiswa S1 S2 S-3 di Malaysia


Ini ada info beasiswa baik short course, S-1, S-2 maupun S-3 di Malaysia

Malaysia menawarkan beberapa beasiswa:
Beasiswa Short Course, Long Term (Master & Ph.D.) under MTCP Programme
MIS Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies & Postgraduate Studies

Silahkan masuk langsung ke linknya :

Silahkan dipelajari dan tentu saja jangan lupa diapply ya
Smoga bermanfaat


Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia invites applications from international students for the scholarships from Government of Malaysia for academic session 2009/2010. The scholarships are as follows:-

  • MTCP Scholarship

  • MIS Scholarship for Undergraduate Studies

  • MIS Scholarship for Postgraduate Studies

Commonwealth Scholarship (Comprehensive information is provided in the brochure)
A panel established by the Ministry of Higher EducationMalaysia will finalise the selection.
Deadline: 31th December 2008
For further information about the scholarship contact:Ms. Norkamilah Zaniale-mail:
Download brochure and application form
Scholarships For International Students 2009 Brochure
Malaysian International Scholarship (MIS) Application Form
Commonwealth Scholarship Application Form
Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP) Scholarship Application Form
Medical Form

Beasiswa NFP - Belanda


Beasiswa NFP 2009 telah dibuka kembali

  1. NFP Scholarship - PhD 2009, Netherlands
    Link prosedur aplikasi
    Link aplikasi deadline

  2. NFP Scholarship – Master’s Degree 2009, Netherlands
    Link prosedur aplikasi
    Link aplikasi deadline

  3. NFP Scholarship – Short Course 2009, Netherlands
    Link prosedur aplikasi
    Link aplikasi deadline

Ayo dimanfaatkan peluang ini dan jangan lupa infokan ke teman-teman lainnya. Smoga bermanfaat

Beasiswa penuh S2 S3 luar negeri dari PEMDA NAD

Rakan-rakan semua,

Ada beasiswa penuh untuk program S-2 dan S-3 di luar negeri dari PEMDA NAD.
Untuk form pendaftaran dan format daftar riwayat hidup silahkan download disini
Mohon diinfokan ke teman-teman lainnya

Semoga bermanfaat



Untuk meningkatkan SDM dinas, lembaga pemerintah dan lembaga-lembaga strategis lainnya di NAD, mulai tahun ini Pemda NAD menyediakan sejumlah beasiswa khusus untuk membantu PTN, Politeknik Negeri, dan lembaga-lembaga lain di NAD untuk membuka program studi, jurusan atau fakultas baru dengan mempersiapkan dosen dan guru yang profesional sehingga tersedia program studi, jurusan dan fakultas yang dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat di provinsi ini.

Adapun bidang-bidang yang dibutuhkan adalah:
1. Farmasi 2. Pertambangan 3. Geologi 4. Teknik Nuklir
5. Pilot/Penerbangan 6. Arsip/Kepustakaan 7. Manajemen Perencanaan 8. Resolusi Konflik
9. Hukum Dagang Internasional 10. Investasi 11. Kesusastraan Arab 12. Jurnalisttik
13. Public Relations 14. Banking & Finance 15. Visual & Graphics Design 16. Perminyakan
17. Perikanan 18. Kelautan 19. Pendidikan Guru Taman Kanak-Kanak (PAUD)

20. Pend. Geografi 21. Kehutanan 22. Highway Engineering 23. Teknik Industri
24. Arsitektur (Interior & Exterior) 25. Psikologi 26. Bimbingan & Konseling 27. Sejarah
28. Hukum Internasional 29. Ekonomi Politik 30. Hukum Laut 31. Matematika
32. Fisika 33. Kimia 34. Biologi/Biologi Melekuler 35. Pend. Bahasa Inggris (TEFL)
36. Teknik Industri 37. Keperawatan 38. Training & Development

39. Dokter Spesialis dan Sub Spesialis 40. Pendidikan Musik & Seni

41. Linguistik Murni 42. Anestasi 43. Teaching English to Young Learners

44. Komunikasi 45. Hadist 46. Information Management/ICT

47. Operator Peralatan Medis 48. Hotel & Tourism
49. Sejarah Umum & Islam 50. Seni & Budaya Islam 51. Fiqh/Usul Fiqh 52. Tafsir
53. Perbandingan Mazhab 54. Meteorologi & Geofisika 55. Manajemen Pengawasan

56. Kes Sosial

3.1 Untuk PNS atau Pelamar yang telah lama berbakti di PTN/PTS NAD.
1. Umur maksimum 40 tahun pada saat melamar.
2. Minimal TOEFL/TOAFL ASLI atau sample/equivalent 400 dan IELTS minimum band 4,5
3. Minimum IPK 2,75 untuk lulusan PTN dan 3,30 untuk lulusan PTS yang telah terakreditasi. Minimum IPK mata kuliah inti 2,75.
4. Mendapat izin dari atasan setelah lulus seleksi.
5. Bersedia mengikuti pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Banda Aceh selama 6 bulan penuh atau bersedia mengikuti pendidikan Bahasa Jerman selama 7 bulan di Banda Aceh atau luar Banda Aceh yang ditentukan oleh panitia.
6. Mengikuti ujian seleksi yang diadakan oleh panitia
7. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran yang disediakan panitia:
a. Mengirimkan hardcopy kepada panitia yang terdiri atas:
- 2 lembar pasfoto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna
- 1 lembar fotokopi ijazah yangtelah dilegalisir
- 1 lembar transkrip yang telah dilegalisir
- 1 daftar riwayat hidup sesuai format yang disediakan
- Fotokopi KTP dan KK
b. Mengirimkan softcopy (disc) yang berisikan semua syarat pada nomor 8, point (a) diatas yang disertai dengan hard copy dan dialamatkan kepada:

Panitia Seleksi
Beasiswa Khusus Pemda NAD
Biro Keistimewaan & Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Lantai III
Kantor Gubernur, Jalan T. Nyak Arief, Banda Aceh.

c. Formulir pendaftaran dan format Daftar Riwayat Hidup dapat juga didownload pada:
d. Berikan tanda kode (BP) untuk beasiswa ini.

3.2 Untuk Non-PNS
1. Umur maksimum 30 tahun
2. Syarat-syarat lain untuk Non-PNS sama dengan untuk PNS sebagaimana tertera diatas
3 Pendaftaran dibuka pada tanggal 23 Juli 2008 dan ditutup pada tanggal 15 Agustus 2008 dari pukul 8:00 s/d pukul 16:00 WIB pada setiap hari kerja.

3.3 Informasi Lebih Lanjut
1. Semua syarat-syarat diatas dan informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditanyakan atau dilihat pada papan pengumuman di Biro Keistimewaan dan Kesejahteraan Rakyat, Kantor Gubernur, pada
setiap hari Kerja dari pukul 8:00 s/d 17:00 WIB.
2. Semua formulir yang dikirimkan kepada panitia menjadi hak milik panitia dan tidak akan
dikembalikan. Tidak diadakan surat menyurat untuk proses seleksi ini.

Banda Aceh, 22 Juli 2008

Beasiswa S2 S3 di University of Oslo, Norwegia


Ini ada info beasiswa utk S2 dan S3 di University of Oslo, Norway.
Deadline aplikasi 1 desember 2008 utk tahun masuk agustus 2009 dan
Deadline untuk online “request for application form” 1 november 2008.

Silahkan buka link berikut:

Mudah2an bermanfaat


The Quota Scheme
The Norwegian Quota Scheme is a funding scheme offered by the Norwegian Government to students from developing countries, Central and Eastern Europe, and former Soviet states for studies at institutions of higher education in Norway. This funding scheme aims at offering specially designed, research-based Master's Degrees taught in English. The Quota Scheme also offers funding for Ph.D.-programmes and a one-year course in advanced Norwegian Language. Quota Scheme applicants should come from universities/institutions with formal cooperation agreements with the University of Oslo.
Who may apply?
Courses offered
Application Deadline
Criteria for application
How to apply?
Student life
Frequently asked questions
Contact information

Beasiswa ADB


Ini ada info beasiswa ADB. Deadline tergantung Universitas yang dituju.
Sebaiknya 6 bulan sebelum permulaan penerimaan mahasiswa masing-masing Universitas.

Silahkan buka langsung di :
Silahkan baca juga Frequently Asked Questions di:

Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat


What is the Asian Development Bank-Government of Japan Scholarship Program?
The Asian Development Bank-Japan Scholarship Program (ADB-JSP) was established in April 1988 with financing from the Government of Japan.
It aims to provide an opportunity for well-qualified citizens of ADB's developing member countries to undertake postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.
Upon completion of their study programs, scholars are expected to contribute to the economic and social development of their home countries.

What does the scholarship cover?
The ADB-JSP provides
  • full tuition fees
  • a monthly subsistence and housing allowance
  • an allowance for books and instructional materials
  • medical insurance
  • travel expenses

For scholars engaged in research, a special grant may be available for thesis preparation.
In special circumstances computer literacy, preparatory language and other similar courses may be covered under the scholarship.

What is the duration of the scholarship award?
The scholarship is for one year with an extension to the second year of study, as appropriate, which shall be conditional on the scholar maintaining a satisfactory level of performance as determined by the institute.
The maximum duration of scholarship award is two years for masters and doctorate programs.

What are the eligibility requirements for ADB-JSP?

  1. A national of an ADB borrowing member country (applicants from countries that are no longer borrowing from ADB are not eligible for the ADB-JSP Scholarship).
  2. Gained admission to an approved post graduate course in any of the participating academic institutions.
  3. A bachelor's degree or its equivalent with superior academic record.
  4. At least two (2) years of full-time professional working experience.
  5. Proficiency in oral and written English communication skills to be able to pursue studies.
  6. Not more than 35 years old at the time of application.
  7. In good health.
  8. Should agree to return to his/her home county after completion of studies under the Program.
  9. Staff of participating academic institutions are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  10. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of ADB, consultants, and relatives of the aforementioned are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  11. Executive Directors, Alternate Directors, management and staff of the other international organizations are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  12. Applicants living or working in a country other than his/her home country are not eligible for the Scholarship.
  13. ADB-JSP does not sponsor undergraduate studies, distance learning programs, short-term training, conferences, seminars, thesis writing, and research projects.

What is the procedure for applying for ADB-JSP?

  1. Request further information and application form from participating academic institutions.
  2. Complete the information sheet - it may be photocopied, and send it to the academic institution(s) where you want to study. Attach all requirements indicated.
  3. The institutions, using their standard criteria, will evaluate the applications and contact candidates for further information. The institution will then recommend eligible candidates to the ADB.
  4. ADB will select scholars and inform each institution accordingly.
  5. The institutions will inform all applicants and make arrangements for successful ones to take up their scholarships.

Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus - Eropa


Ini ada link list of master course untuk beasiswa Erasmus Mundus

Deadlinenya tergantung course yang diambil.
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Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus adalah beasiswa tingkat Pasca Sarjana yang didanai oleh Komisi Eropa, sebagai badan eksekutif Uni Eropa. Beasiswa ini ditujukan bagi mahasiswa/i yang berasal dari negara-negara diluar Anggota Uni Eropa, termasuk Indonesia, untuk mengikuti program Pasca Sarja Erasmus Mundus di Eropa selama 1 sampai 2 tahun.

Saat ini Uni Eropa beranggotakan 27 negara yaitu Belgia, Republik Ceko, Denmark, Jerman, Estonia, Yunani, Spanyol, Perancis, Irlandia, Italia, Siprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luksemburg, Hungaria, Malta, Belanda, Austria, Polandia, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finlandia, Swedia, Kerajaan Inggris, Rumania dan Bulgaria.

Program Pasca Sarjana Erasmus Mundus diselenggarakan oleh sekurang-kurangnya dua universitas di Negara Anggota Uni Eropa (bisa juga lebih) yang disebut dengan Konsorsium Universitas. Dengan demikian mahasiswa/i mendapat kesempatan untuk dapat belajar di paling sedikit dua universitas di dua negara anggota Uni Eropa yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh seorang mahasiswa/i pada tahun pertama belajar di universitas di Jerman dan pada tahun kedua dilanjutkan di Portugal. Dengan demikian, gelar yang diperoleh dapat berupa joint degree, double degree (dua universitas) ataupun multiple degree (lebih dari dua universitas).

Selain ditujukan bagi mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana, Erasmus Mundus juga menyediakan beasiswa bagi para ilmuwan/peneliti/pengajar (scholar) untuk mengajar, melakukan penelitian ilmiah pada program Pasca Sarjana Erasmus Mundus untuk kurun waktu tiga bulan. Secara umum pesyaratannya adalah mereka yang memiliki pengalaman akademik atau profesional di bidang pengajaran atau penelitian.

Ditinjau dari segi persyaratannya, pada dasarnya mereka yang telah lulus S-1/sederajat dapat mengajukan aplikasi beasiswa ini. Aplikan harus merupakan penduduk di luar Negara Anggota Uni Eropa dan dalam kurun waktu lima tahun terakhir (misalnya dari tahun 2003-2007) belum pernah melakukan kegiatan utama seperti kuliah, bekerja, dll, selama lebih dari 12 bulan di salah satu dari Negara Anggota Uni Eropa. Hal ini dimaksudkan agar beasiswa ini dapat menjangkau mereka yang belum pernah mendapatkan manfaat tinggal di negara anggota Uni Eropa.

Proses aplikasinya dilakukan dengan memilih salah satu dari 80 Program Pasca Sarjana Erasmus Mundus yang tersedia melalui situs :

Selanjutnya klik alamat situs program pasca sarjana yang dipilih dan dapatkan penjelasan tentang kurikulum pendidikan, formulir aplikasi, persyaratan beasiswanya (mis. persyaratan bahasa), serta tenggat waktu pengajuan aplikasi.

Dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan berupa formulir aplikasi beasiswa yang formatnya tersedia di situs Erasmus Mundus, riwayat hidup, surat motivasi yang menerangkan alasan keinginan melanjutkan ke jenjang pasca sarjana, nilai kemampuan bahasa, photo copy ijazah yang semuanya dalam bahasa Inggris serta persyaratan lainnya yang diminta dan selanjutnya dikirimkan langsung ke Konsorsium Magister Erasmus Mundus yang yang tertera pada situs tersebut.

Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus diberikan dalam mata uang Uni Eropa yaitu euro yang besarnya dapat mencakup biaya perjalanan, biaya kuliah, tunjangan hidup bulanan serta akomodasi.

Beasiswa KDI – Korea


Ini ada info beasiswa di KDI – Korea.
Deadline 15 October 2008.

Siapa tahu ada yg tertarik.
Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat


KDI School of Public Policy and Management,is opening 2009 Admissions. Hope it will be useful for all of you. For further infos on the school, please check out the website at

General Information

Admissions are based on evaluation of the entire application package with major consideration given to the applicant’s intellectual capability, leadership potential and communication skills.

Application Deadline (For 2009 Admissions)

Full-time Program Part-time Program
International Applicants October 15, 2008 October 31, 2008
Korean Applicants October 31, 2008

Admissions Decision Procedure
- Round 1: Evaluation of Application Package
- Round 2: Interview

Note: An interview will be conducted only for those applicants who have passed Round 1. The interview will be conducted strictly in English, and the applicant’s educational objectives and development potential will be primarily evaluated.

General Admission Requirements
Applicants must have received a bachelor’s degree by the time they wish to enter the KDI School’s Master’s program. Regardless of the applicant’s major in his/her undergraduate studies, all applicants must be capable of taking classes conducted in English to be eligible to apply for admission.

For the Ph.D. program, applicants must have received a master’s degree by the time they wish to enter the KDI School’s Ph.D. program.
Application Packet / Submit to

Please read the instructions carefully before filling out the application forms.
- All applications must be received by the application deadline.
- All applicants must apply online and submit application documents via postal mail.
- All documents must be original. Copies will only be accepted if each page is marked with an official stamp.
- Applicants will be notified of their admission results through the KDI School website.
- Mail all transcripts, recommendations and other relevant supporting documentation in one package. Do not mail application materials separately.
- Applicants may only apply for one scholarship. Multiple applications will invalidate candidacy.
- Submitted applications become the property of the KDI School and will not be returned.

Application Packet
All documents should be prepared in English except for recommendation letters, which may be written in English or Korean.

1. Submit Online Application
2. Documents to be submitted by mail or in person

1. Application for Admission – complete an online application
2. Statement of Purpose DOC(MS-Word) – send by postal mail
3. Bachelor’s Transcript(s)(Undergraduate Grades/Marks) – send by postal mail
4. Certified Copy of a Bachelor’s Degree Diploma (Certificate of Graduation) – send by postal mail
5. Two Recommendations DOC(MS-Word) – send by postal mail
6. Two Passport-sized Photos – send by postal mail
7. English Score Reports (if available) – send by postal mail
8. Employment Verification (if available) DOC(MS-Word) – send by postal mail
(Use downloadable application forms DOC(MS-Word), "ONLY" when there is no online access available.)

Documents to be Submitted Note
1 Application for
Admission Complete online application 1
2 Statement of Purpose Candidates should use this portion of the application to explain their motivation and qualifications for pursuing their education at the KDI School (A4 sized-paper: double-spaced, single-sided). *Applicants for 2009 must use the format updated June, 2008.
3 Bachelor’s
Transcript(s) An official transcript is required from the college or university attended, including graduate school where applicable. If the transcript is not written in English, it must be submitted with a notarized translation in English. *Grades/Academic Marks
4 Certified Copy of Bachelor’s Degree Diploma A certified copy of your diploma (or certificate of graduation) is required from the college or university attended, including graduate school where applicable. If the diploma is not written in English, it must be submitted with a notarized translation in English. 1
5 Two Recommendations A recommendation provides an opportunity for the Admissions Board to gain additional information about your performance in professional and academic settings. All applicants are required to submit two recommendations. 1
6 Two Photos Passport size (or 3 x 4) 1
7 English Score Report(s) (If available)
Score report(s) must be for TOEFL, TOEIC, TEPS, IELTS or other internationally recognized standardized exams. The tests must have been taken within 2 years of the proposed date of admission.. 1
8 Employment Verification (if applicable) 1

Submit To

The Office of Admissions
KDI School of Public Policy and Management
87 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu Seoul, 130-868, Korea
Phone +82-2-3299-1281/1105
Fax 82-2-3299-1223

Beasiswa DAAD - Jerman


Ini ada info beasiswa DAAD Germany.
Siapa tahu ada yg tertarik mau kul di Jerman.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut silahkan buka link berikut

Mudah2an bermanfaat

Beasiswa ADS - Australia


Nih dia beasiswa ADS telah dibuka kembali.
Deadlinenya 5 September 2008.

Jangan lupa apply ya

Link Website ADS
Link untuk Formulir Aplikasi ADS 2009

Smoga bermanfaat

Persyaratan Pendaftar Beasiswa ADS

Persyaratan Umum
Pendaftar beasiswa ADS harus:
  • Berkewarganegaraan Indonesia dan tidak diperkenankan memiliki tempat tinggal tetap di Australia dan Selandia Baru;
  • Tidak menikah atau bertunangan dengan orang yang berkewarganegaraan Australia atau Selandia Baru atau yang berstatus pemukim tetap;
  • Memenuhi persyaratan pemerintah Australia bagi pendaftar siswa internasional di Australia (kesehatan, kepribadian, dll.);
  • Tidak sedang menjalankan beasiswa yang lain yang dapat memberikan keuntungan ganda;
  • Tidak sedang menjalankan beasiswa pemerintah Australia dalam waktu 12 bulan pada saat periode tahun pendaftaran;
  • Mendaftar untuk menjalankan program studi yang baru dan tidak untuk mencari dukungan dana melalui program beasiswa ADS untuk program belajar yang sedang atau akan dijalankan di Australia (pendaftaran secara individu);
  • Bersedia mengikuti program beasiswa di tahun yang ditawarkan; dan
  • Memenuhi persyaratan untuk masuk ke institusi di Australia tempat program dilaksanakan.
Persyaratan Spesifik
Pendaftar beasiswa ADS harus:

  • Mendaftar pada bidang studi yang telah ditetapkan;
  • Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2.9 (skala maksimal 4) dan IELTS 5.0 (Institusional TOEFL 500 atau Internasional TOEFL 170). Hasil nilai IELTS atau TOEFL harus yang terbaru (tes yang diikuti pada tahun 2007 atau 2008);
  • Telah lulus kesarjanaan S1 jika berminat pada program Master (S2);
  • Telah memiliki gelar Master jika berminat pada program Doktoral (S3);
  • Mendaftar untuk tingkatan yang lebih tinggi dari tingkatan yang telah dimiliki saat ini;
  • Jika mendaftar untuk program Doktoral (S3) , peserta harus berprofesi sebagai dosen universitas dan staff pengajar di lembaga pendidikan tinggi, peneliti / staf penelitian dari institusi lembaga penelitian yang resmi, dan pembuat kebijaksanaan baik instansi pemerintah maupun swasta;
  • Menjawab seluruh pertanyaan yang berhubungan di dalam formulir aplikasi;
  • Bersedia dan sanggup mengikuti secara penuh program pelatihan bahasa Inggris ( EAP ) di Indonesia dalam rangka persiapan untuk belajar di Australia jika telah diterima beasiswa; dan
  • Berusia tidak lebih dari 42 tahun pada saat periode pendaftaran.

Sebagai tambahan, sangatlah diharapkan bagi pelamar PhD untuk mendapatkan surat dukungan (korespondensi) dalam hal bidang studi yang akan di ambil dari calon supervisor universitas di Australia.

Pengiriman Dokumen Aplikasi
Untuk melengkapi aplikasi, pendaftar diwajibkan untuk mengirimkan dokumen-dokumen sebagai berikut:

  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi Akta Lahir / paspor / KTP
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi Ijasah S1 yang telah dilegalisir (cap asli) bagi pelamar program Master maupun Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi Daftar Nilai / Transkrip S1 yang telah dilegalisir (cap asli) bagi pelamar program Master maupun Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi Ijasah S2 yang telah dilegalisir (cap asli) bagi pelamar program Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi Daftar Nilai / Transkrip S2 yang telah dilegalisir (cap asli) bagi pelamar program Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap fotokopi hasil IELTS atau TOEFL (selambat-lambatnya yang diambil pada tahun 2007 atau 2008)
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap surat referensi dari pembimbing S2 bagi pelamar program Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap Proposal Riset (research outline) bagi pelamar Master (full research) dan Doktoral
  • 3 (tiga) rangkap CV / Daftar Riwayat Hidup dalam bahasa Inggris.
Bagaimana cara mengirimkannya?
Mengajukan / mengirimkan 3 (tiga) rangkap formulir aplikasi yang telah terisi beserta dokumen yang diperlukan secara personal, melalui pos / kurir langsung ke kantor ADS

Australian Development Scholarship (ADS)
Gedung Wira Usaha, 2nd fl, Jl HR Rasuna Said Kav.C-5
Kuningan, South Jakarta 12940 – Indonesia
Tel. +62 21 527-7648

ADS akan mengirimkan pemberitahuan hasil seleksi kepada seluruh pelamar melalui surat tertulis.